Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Well, Dang it's Been a While, but.... WE ARE BACK!

Hello all of you out there in interwebs land.  

So where have I been.   Well, its kinda a strange tale, and I wish I could say out slaying dragons or some cool thing like that.  I was not.  My wife and I bought a building to run our own martial arts school.  It was our plan to get it going and come back and beef up Strait Arrow Graphix.  Well I also took a job in management where I was working and the hours added up quickly.  So I neglected a huge part of my life.  God however had better plans for us.  He said go, and I went.  Linda and I now are doing our own two businesses, Strait Arrow Graphix, and the martial arts school full time. 

So we are back.  I have been cranking out some great art again too.  I will share them more and more as we go.  

We are also on the prowl for a better permanent internet home for SAG.  

Have a great day


