Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday's Wabber Jaw

Well I got tired of typing Mid week update... SOoooo I called it Wednesday's Wabber Jaw this week.  What can I say us weird types do weird things.

Any ways Here is what is up at Strait Arrow.  I did get another a comic up for Testimony of Palidos.  I found a new way to color that i am experimenting with and it is way faster.  Right now it is done in Photoshop, but I have bought another program to do this, and hopefully streamline the process to help me keep this comic rolling out on the web.

I received some great feedback this week and will be looking into tweeking a few things.  Don't worry my comic is still getting done and going to be posted for you all to enjoy.  The art for this weekends comic is really close to being done.

I haven't gotten a lot of work done on commission work this week, but I have gotten some work done there too.

This has been a crazy go nuts week for me out side of art, so I am amazed I have gotten so much time to work on Strait Arrow Graphix projects.  Learning the new program is taking some time too,

below is a sneak peak of what is coming this week.

James the Imaginator

1 comment:

  1. In case you want a link to see the comic here it is:
