Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Working on Comic and Blog Site Layouts and elements

Well I am working on some of the web comic sites layout and elements as well as layout and elements on our Blog Site here at Blogger. I am running into some snags as I cannot seem to edit the current layout's HTML code at comicfury the way I want too with the way I have it all set up. So I may have too restart the layout right now so I can add the voting banners, and get it's blog button to link right back here. Dont get me wrong I like comicfury and the options it has. I just have to go another route. the ever awesome Linda ( my partner in crime ) is working on some assisting as we speak, er as I type anyhow.

so if you want to see some weird things happening as I try to get it the way I have it in my head check out the comic site

Testimony of Palidos

Also Linda mentioned my cool font I had on here was hard to read so I changed it. Please let me know if you can read the post better now.

You will notice too that I have some vote for the web comic buttons on here too. If you can take time to vote for us. The higher the votes the higher I am on these list the more notice we get!

Well time to get back at it



  1. I liked the cool font. But I am a font fanatic. I suppose it is easier to read now, especially for people who aren't font fanatics and used to reading all kinds of cool fonts. ;)

    1. I liked it too, but wanted to make sure people could actually ready what I was writing. Weird I know.
